1 The Secret History of the Jesuits, by Paris, page 163.
*Newsweek, January 26, 1981, page 32.
Canon 1, Council of Trent, 1563: "If any one shall deny
that the body and blood, together with the soul and divinity of our
Lord Jesus Christ, and therefore entire Christ, are truly, really and
substantially contained in the sacrament of the most Holy Eucharist; and
say that He is only in it as a sign, or in a figure - let him be
accursed! (Damned)" (Ratified Vatical II Council, 1963)
1 Anti-Christ - a false Christ - Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary 1974.
2 Pope Boniface VIII in "Bull Unam Sanctam".
3 Pope Leo XIII. See "The Great Encyclical Letters of Leo XIII," Benziger Brothers, New York, 1908, page 304.
4 Pope Nicholas. From "Antichrist" by Ian Paisley. See Decretales Comini
Gregorii Papae LX (Decretals of the Lord Pope Gregory LX), Liber 1, de
translatione Episoporum, (on the transference of Bishops), title 7,
Chapter 3; Corpus Juris Caninici (2nd Leipzip ed., 1881), col. 99; (Paris, 1612), Tom 2, Decretals, col. 205.
1 The Secret History of the Jesuits, page 122.
2 The General of the Jesuits at this time was Halke Von Ledochowski.
3 The Secret History of the Jesuits by Edmond Paris, page 126.
1 A compact between a national government and a religious group
establishing terms of agreement concerning matters of mutual interest.
(Webster's Dictionary)
2 Worldly and political power.
3 The Secret History of the Jesuits, page 126.
4 The New Illustrated Encyclopedia of World History, page 995, published by Harry N. Abrams, Inc., N.Y., 1968.
5 The Secret History of the Jesuits by Edmond Paris, pages 130-131, published by Chick Publications.
1 The Western Worlby Major, 1966, published by Frederick Muller Ltd. Fleet St. London, E.C.4, page 865.
2 The Secret History of the Jesuits page 127
3 The Secret History of the Jesuits pages 128-129
4 The Secret History of the Jesuits page 138
1 The Secret History of the Jesuits by Paris, page 128.
2 The Secret History of the Jesuits page 129.
1 The Secret History of the Jesuits by Paris, page 132.
2 The Secret History of the Jesuits, page 158.
3 New Illustrated Encyclopedia of World History, page 1048.
4 The Secret History of the Jesuits, page 159.
5 IBID, page 137.
6 Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol. III, Micropedia, page 87.
1 The Vatican Moscow Washington Alliance by Avro Manhattan, 1982.
2 The Vatican established diplomatic relations with Tokyo, Japan in March, 1942 - The Vatican in World Politics, by Manhattan, page 412; published by Gaer Assoc., Inc., N.Y., 1949.
3 The Psychopathic God Adolph Hitler by Waite, 1977, page 32, published by Basic Books, Inc., N.Y.
4 The Secret History of the Jesuits by Paris, page 167, published by Chick Publications.
5 Ibid, page 168.
6 Ibid, page 143-148.
7 Ravening Wolves by Monica Farrell, page 44, Protestant pub. 110 Glebe Point Road, Glebe, New South Wales 2037, Australia.
8 Quoted from the video film, Alive and Well in the USA. Viewed April 29, 1981, Channel 5 KTLA, 8 P.M., Los Angeles, CA, produced by World In Action.
1 Fifty Years in the Church of Rome by Chiniquy, published by Chick Publications, Ontario, California. (Page 309) 2The Secret History of the Jesuits by Paris, page 74, published by Chick Publications.
*Behind the Dictators by L.H. Lehmann, pages 10-15, published by Agora Publishing Company, N.Y. 1942
1Secret History of the Jesuits by Edmond Paris, pages 8, 9, and 116-124. 2New Illustrated Encyclopedia of World History by Lancer, published by Harry N. Abrams. Inc., N.Y. 1975, page 911. 3Fifty Years in the "Church" of Rome by Chiniquy, page 281, published by Chick Publications.
1. Rasputin by M. Rasputin and Barham, published by Warner Book, 1977, N.Y. pages 68, 69, 77, 99
4. Black Night, White Snow by Salisbury, published by Doubleday, 1977, Garden City, N.Y., pages 208-210, 283, 284.
5. Von Bergen and Parvus, Germany and the Revolution in Russia 1915-1918
by Documents from the Archives of the German Foreign Ministry edited by
Z.A.B. Zeman, published by London Oxford Univ. Press, N.Y., Toronto
1958. Also The Sealed Train by Michael Pearson 1975 by G.P. Putnam's Sons, N.Y., page 63.
1. Black Night, White Snow by Salisbury, published by Doubleday and Co. Inc., Garden City, N.Y., pages 405-407.
2. Life and Death of Lenin by R. Payne 1964, published by Simon and Schuster, N.Y., pages 285-300.
3. Germany and the Revolution in Russia 1915-1918, Documents from the Archives of the German Foreign Ministry edited by Z.A.B. Zeman, published by London Oxford Univ. Press, N.Y., Toronto 1958, page IX.
4. Black Night, White Snow, Doubleday & Co., 1978, page 594 .
1. A Jesuit technique and a secret sign of their involvement, according to Dr. Rivera, e-Jesuit Priest.
2. Black Night, White Snow by Salisbury, published by Doubleday and Co. Inc., Garden City, N.Y., 1978, page 593.
1 Leon Trotsky, by Joel Carmichael, page 171 published by St. Martin's Press, 175 5th Ave., New York, 10010, 1975; also found in The Sealed Train, by Micahel Pearson, 1975, by G.P. Putnam's Sons, N.Y., page 290.
The Godfathers is the third book of the Alberto series published by Chick Publications.
It portrays the the papacy as the antiChrist described
in the Book of Revelation of the Bible.
Read and discover why...
The quotes in this book from various authors, whether they be Roman
Catholic, Protestant, Liberal, or members of secret societies, are all
accurate in that they correspond with the information Dr. Rivera
received as a Jesuit Priest under the extreme oath while in the Vatican.
Regardless of the varied positions of the books quoted, the information
as a whole, as it appears in this book, provides an actual picture of
the true history as it fulfills God's prophecy.
*White Power (November - December, 1979), The Revolutionary Voice of National Socialism, Cicero, IL.
*See Double-Cross, Volume 13, Pages 12-14.
**Secret History of the Jesuits by Paris, page 161, published by Chick Publications.
*The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, pages 427-429.
*Children's Crusade by Gray. Published by William Morrow & Co. Inc., 105 Madison Ave. N.Y., N.Y. 10016, page 44
**page 75 Children's Crusade
*Peter's Tomb Recently Discovered in Jerusalem, page 3, published by F. Paul Peterson, P.O. Box 7351, Ft. Wayne, IN. 46807, Copyright 1960
*The Big Betrayal, page 15, Chick Publications Fifty years in the "Church" of Rome, by Chiniquy, page 44, Chick Publications